Image of Y studio, an architecture studio showcasing their work - Next Project button

Keep Moving

Urban-style e-commerce platform, showcasing modern fashion and lifestyle products with a seamless user experience. Made with React, Tailwind, MySQL.

Image of a ticketing app dashboard - Next Project button

Y Studio

Architecture landing page developed with the aim of showcasing the studio's work in a concise and polished manner. Developed with Next for its performance, SEO friendliness, while allowing for possible CMS integration.

3D map showcasing affected areas of power outages - Button for next project on the list

Events App

Ticket selling application developed with the aim of reducing costs for a local band as service charges can get difficult for local artists. Made with Next, Nest, PostgreSQL, Supabase for Auth and Prisma for database management - In Development

Image of a man sitting, showcasing the luxury fashion brand - Next Project Button

Lights Out

Project made with the purpose of tracking outages in the Buenos Aires area, scraping data from the national provider. Made with Next JS, Puppeteer, Tailwind, MongoDB and Blender for the 3D model - In Development